'Jesus' Tagged Posts (Page 2)

'Jesus' Tagged Posts (Page 2)

Mark: Lesson 14

Lesson text: Mark 6:30-44 Jesus’ feeding of the 5000 is the only miracle He performed which is in all four gospels. The disciples had just gotten back from their first evangelistic mission without Jesus. John the Baptist had recently been murdered by Herod Antipas. It was time for rest and refueling. But the crowd still pressed in. Yet Jesus was not angered or resistant to them. Instead He showed them great compassion. Lesson worksheet Header image from https://freechristimages.com/bible-stories/five-thousand-fed.html.

Mark: Lesson 11

Lesson text: Mark 5:21-43 This section of Mark contains a miracle account within a miracle account. Jesus is approached by synagogue leader Jairus, whose daughter is gravely ill. Jesus agrees to heal the girl and they head to Jairus’ home, along with a huge crowd. But en route, a desperately ill woman touches Jesus, hoping for healing. This bold act on her part gets Jesus’ attention, leading to an enlightening conversation. Lesson worksheet Header image by Patrick Gillespie on Unsplash.

Mark: Lesson 10

Lesson text: Mark 5:1-20 Jesus encounters a demon-possessed man on the east side of the Sea of Galilee. In fact, the man is possessed with many demons. He introduces himself as Legion and pleads with Jesus to not drive the demons from the area. Instead, he asks Jesus to allow the demons to enter a herd of pigs. Jesus gives His permission and the demons transfer from the man to the herd. Startled, the pigs rush into the sea and…

Mark: Lesson 3

Lesson text: Mark 1:32-45 As Jesus’ fame begins to spread across Galilee, the demands for His miracles grow. The disciples, new to all this excitement, are initally swept up in the commotion. Jesus brings them back to the purpose of His mission, and they set out to preach in the region. As this point a leper asks Jesus for healing. Jesus heals the man but tells him to not spread the news of what Jesus has done. The man disregards…

Mark: Lesson 2

Lesson text: Mark 1:16-31 As Jesus begins his public ministry, He calls the first four of his primary disciples. Setting up Capernaum as His base of operations, He goes into the synagogue on the Sabbath. There Jesus astonishes the people with both His teaching and His power over a demon. The section concludes with Jesus healing Peter’s mother-in-law. Lesson worksheet Header image by Pedro Kümmel on Unsplash

Mark: Lesson 1

Lesson text: Mark 1:1-15 We begin our study of Mark’s gospel with an examination of John the Baptist, his mission and his ministry. We then turn to Jesus’ baptism, His time in the wilderness with Satan, and the beginning of His ministry in Galilee. The lesson worksheet will help guide you through each lesson, and you are free to print, copy, and share with others. Lesson worksheet Header image by CSalem from Pixabay

The Romans Road: Part 3

Lesson text: Romans 5:8 God shows His great love on more ways than we could ever imagine. But the pinnacle of that love was on display at the cross of Calvary. And what is truly amazing about this is that He did it knowing the rebellion and wickedness of humanity. Sermon: “Calvary”In order to gain an understanding of God’s love, it’s vital to grasp the importance of what Jesus did on the cross. This sermon recounts the events of the…

The Romans Road: Part 2

Lesson text: Romans 6:23 This is the turning point in the Romans Road gospel presentation. Up to now the focus has been on humanity’s sin. Now we see the change from our hopeless sin problem to deliverance through faith in Jesus. Sermon: “A Scary Story” The sermon focuses on the parable of Lazarus and the rich man from Luke 16:19-31 and serves as the lead-in to this Bible study. Lesson Page
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