Sermons from January 2025

Sermons from January 2025

The Daniel Dilemma

Daniel 2:1-3; Daniel 2:14-18; Daniel 2:44-47 We all have dreams, some big, some small, and some that seem impossible. The real question is whether we’re willing to surrender our dreams to God’s greater plan for humanity. When we do, we find purpose beyond our own ambitions.

The Daniel Response

Sermon text: Daniel 1:1-8; Daniel 1:21 Daniel teaches us to engage the hostile culture around us, not retreat from it. He does so, however, with biblical boundaries intact. The result becomes personal transformation that results in transformation of the culture and community around him.

The Daniel Perspective

Sermon text: Daniel 1:1-2 Think like a missionary by seeing things from God’s point of view. Daniel and his friends found themselves in a culture that opposed their faith. They had two choices: withdraw or engage. By trusting that God was still in control despite their difficult situation, they gained the confidence to engage the culture while staying true to their biblical values.