Sermons from April 2022
Loving Self vs. Loving Scripture
Sermon text: 2 Timothy 3:1-17 As we are most aware of the craziness that is our world today, it helps to be able to put it into Biblical perspective. That is just what we try to do here. We first take a look some of the root characteristics of our current society in some depth and then turn to see the direction we need to head, the focus we need to have. We, also, point out the results of each.
Resurrection Life Now
Sermon text: Romans 5:20-6:5 Easter Sunday is a time when we usually look back with gratitude to what Jesus did on the cross. We should rejoice in the fact that He conquered the grave by rising from the dead. In Romans 6, we are encouraged to make that resurrection life a present personal possession, to live the resurrection life in the moments we have now.
The Man Born Blind
Sermon text: John 9:1-7 In this passage, we look into one of Jesus’ most notable miracles and some of its various aspects. We cannot help but see His greatness, as John’s primary focus is the deity of Jesus and the proclamation of Him as God. We especially look into the seeming odd question of the disciples and why it might have made sense to them to ask it, in their time period.