Sermons on John

Sermons on John

Holy Appointments

Sermon text: John 4:1-29 Using Jesus’ encounter with the woman at the well as a backdrop, Toney McDonald delves into the power of one-on-one witnessing. The message of salvation is universal, and every believer should share it with unbelievers. But the Lord uses different voices in different situations to speak the truth of the gospel to those who need to hear it. Header image by Joshua Rodriguez on Unsplash.


Sermon text: John 4:1-26 Header image by mrjn Photography on Unsplash.

The Man Born Blind

Sermon text: John 9:1-7 In this passage, we look into one of Jesus’ most notable miracles and some of its various aspects. We cannot help but see His greatness, as John’s primary focus is the deity of Jesus and the proclamation of Him as God. We especially look into the seeming odd question of the disciples and why it might have made sense to them to ask it, in their time period.