Various Bible 201 Topics (Page 3)
Direction: The Great Commission
Themes: Are we (individually/collectively) doing the Great Commission right or at all? Sincerely beginning Jesus Encounters. Approach and ask your family and friends to discover their eternal destination.
Equipped Saints?
Theme: What happens if/when believers stall in their personal learning and development?
Christian Sloth and Lethargy
Theme: Let’s discuss “childlikeness” in regard to the believer’s joy, energy and behavior.
How Great is Our God?
Theme: Let’s explore this and define the concept of “being led.”
Pew Poll – Hell, Abortion, Etc.
Themes: Why do most Christians invite their friends to church? How do learners prepare themselves to be quality disciples?
Our Attitude Toward Death
Themes: What do Believers really think about death and dying? Mature Believers must actualize, demonstrate, discuss and confirm that Jesus and His “gift” is truly amazing. We live in a world where young and other people do not know what to live for.
Our Hesitancy to Proclaim Jesus
Themes: We’re hesitant to fearlessly proclaim Jesus’ greatness because we’re uncomfortable with humiliation. Humanity does not want a God that is humiliated. Humanity does not want a God who humiliates Himself.
False Teaching, False Teachers, False Doctrine
Themes: What are these definitions? How to recognize and stand for Scriptural values