Bible 201 (Page 2)
Bible 201 is our weekly teaching and training time, where we delve deeply into many different biblical topics. While we look at some of the “what” matters in God’s Word, Bible 201 focuses more on the “why” and “how” of our daily lives as believers. This usually requires taking several weeks, if not months, to work through together. We ask and answer difficult questions, seeking to grow closer to Jesus individually and as a group, so that we may more fully embrace His mission for us.
New Creation – Week 13
Themes: What is our conversion experience? How does it occur? Is it generated by me or by the Holy Spirit?
New Creation – Week 12
Themes: How does transformation occur? How is the human mind renewed? This is rarely, if ever explained (in understandable terms) to Believers.
New Creation – Week 11
Themes: Believers are effectively new creatures because of Jesus’ death for us. Believers should not take Jesus for granted; he is the most special entity ever. Christians struggle with becoming mature to enough to see the world and ourselves through the eyes of the Holy Spirit.
New Creation – Week 10
Themes: Permitting and inviting the Holy Spirit to manage us, renew our minds, revive us and transform us into the likeness of Jesus. Our spirits were effectively dead but the Holy Spirit generates our life.
Visitor vs. Membership Mindsets
Themes: Unpacking the fraternity/sorority concept to operate as a drawing force in the world.Networking, identity, similarity of thinking, everlasting commitment, legacy and lifetime significance.
New Creation – Week 9
Themes: The importance of being joyful. The focus on believing and demonstrating an everyday new creation status.
Hebrews 11 – Week 3
Themes: Noah walked with God, but he also had a mission. Abraham’s life encompassed worship, walk, and work, but he also had the time element of waiting on God.
Hebrews 11 – Week 2
Themes: Abel demonstrates worship in Hebrews 11:4. The faithful walk as shown by Enoch in Hebrews 11:5.
Hebrews 11 – Week 1
Themes: The description of faith in Hebrews 11:1-3. Contrasting faith and modern spirituality. What are the elements of faith?
New Creation – Week 8
Theme: How can I feel like a new creation in this frail body in this fallen world with all the daily concerns, issues, bad things on top of my everyday challenges?
New Creation – Week 7
Theme: How does this explanation help me to understand being a new creature/creation?