Looking Forward, Looking Back

Looking Forward, Looking Back

Resource: Discussion Questions & Scriptures

Looking Forward – Week 1

Themes: How do you know your goals and dreams?If you admit to having goals, how and why are they important? What is a goal or dream of yours never realized?

Looking Forward – Week 2

Themes: What is the most important goal of your life?How important is it for you to achieve this goal? How would you feel/respond if you’re unable to achieve this goal?

Looking Forward – Week 4

Themes: Who else knows your goals or dreams?How do you feel about others observing your failure of lack of achievement?How has Yahweh seemed to deny your personal dreams or achievement? How do you feel when Yahweh responds “no” to you?

Looking Forward – Week 5

Themes: What are possible reasons that Yahweh says “no” to your dreams/goals/achievement? Building a relationship is more important than personal goals.