Am I My Brother’s Keeper?

Am I My Brother’s Keeper?

Resource: Discussion Questions & Scripture

Am I My Brother’s Keeper – Week 3

Themes: Are we concerned about the trajectory of people’s lives-here and eternally?What happens when and if Believers inform (other people) of messy lives or messy behavior? A correct understanding of Matthew 18.

Am I My Brother’s Keeper – Week 5

Themes: Why does Yahweh ask Cain “where is your brother?” What is the definition of a “brother”? Before you address/approach your brother, you must apply the same judgment to yourself first.

Am I My Brother’s Keeper – Week 6

Themes: Is the prodigal son OK with his predicament? Is the paralyzed man on the mat fine with his paralysis? (Mark 2:1-5)Nathan’s confrontation with King David – what if David refused to recognize the truth? What if Elisha turned down Elijah’s invitation?