Posts from September 2022

Posts from September 2022

Mark: Lesson 34

Lesson text: Mark 14:27-42 Jesus and His disciples have left the upper room and are headed to the Mount of Olives. Along the way, Jesus tells them that they will be scattered before very long. Peter protests, which leads Jesus to tell him he will actually deny his rabbi before the cock crows twice. They arrive at the Garden of Gethsemane, and Jesus invites Peter, James, and John to join Him in prayer. Jesus is greatly troubled, knowing what lies…

Mark: Lesson 33

Lesson text: Mark 14:1-26 As Jesus’ crucifixion draws nearer, the tension and intrigue build. In Bethany, Mary anoints Jesus with a flask of costly perfume. Judas complains about what he sees as a waste of resources, but Jesus challenges his perspective. Jesus then has two of His disciples go to Jerusalem to prepare a place for them to celebrate the Passover meal. While there, Jesus institutes the Lord’s supper. All the while, Judas is plotting how he can betray Jesus.…

Mark: Lesson 32

Lesson text: Mark 13:24-37 We complete our investigation of the “Olivet Discourse.” Jesus gives instructions regarding the fall of Jerusalem, telling his hearers to escape with haste. There will be false teachers who discourage their departure, but they must not listen to these men. Jesus then describes the day of the Lord, when He will come in the clouds with great power and glory. But because no one knows when that day is coming, He tells His followers that they…

Grace in Action – Week 12

Themes: Poster children for Yahweh’s grace: Abraham and Sarah. Believers like to help Yahweh along when we’re not content with our lot or circumstance. When we mess it up, Yahweh often does not give us what we deserve.