Posts from February 2022
Amazing Imputation – Week 5
Themes: An object lesson for enjoyment and fun. How can worship be more exciting and participatory for people? Receiving Yahweh’s grace involves genuinely believing, admitting in personal discussion with Jesus or Yahweh and publicly and proudly voicing your decision.
Mark: Lesson 7
Lesson text: Mark 3:20-35 The second half of chapter three brings Jesus’ earthly family into focus. They are concerned for His well-being as He ministers to the throngs who seek His help. While these well-meaning relatives and friends believe Jesus has lost His mind, the Jewish scribes on hand posit a much darker occurrence. They accuse Jesus of being not only possessed of a demon, but actually working in league with Satan. In turn, Jesus responds to both the scribes…
Amazing Imputation – Week 4
Themes: Let’s discuss “common” grace vs. Amazing grace. How do you personally receive Yahweh’s grace? How would others know that you have received Yahweh’s grace? Two videos for this date:
Mark: Lesson 6
Lesson text: Mark 3:1-19 The first part of chapter three completes the conflict section begun in lesson 4. Jesus is watched closely by the Pharisees as He heals a man on the Sabbath. In the aftermath of this, the plot to kill Jesus begins to take shape. Knowing this, Jesus and His followers go down to the Sea of Galilee. There He heals many and drives out demons. People come from many miles away, far outside of Galilee, to be…
Amazing Imputation – Week 3
Themes: What is the definition of grace? What is Amazing grace?
Mark: Lesson 5
Lesson text: Mark 2:13-28 This lesson covers the three central passages in Mark’s early section on the growing animosity toward Jesus on the part of the Jewish leaders. Jesus calls Matthew to be a disciple, after which they dine with tax collectors and “sinners.” The Pharisees then ask Jesus why He and his disciples do not practice fasting. Finally, the question of the Sabbath comes to the forefront, and Jesus makes its purpose clear. Lesson Worksheet Header image by Johannes Plenio on Unsplash.
Amazing Imputation – Week 2
Themes: When people celebrate, how are other people aware? Is it important that people know and celebrate with you? What is the definition of grace?
Mark: Lesson 4
Lesson text: Mark 2:1-12 Most people have heard the account that begins Mark chapter 2. Four men drop their paralytic friend through the roof so that Jesus can heal him. Jesus’ first response is to tell the men that because of their faith the paralytic man’s sins are forgiven. This is the point where this encounter becomes much more than just a “story” told in children’s church. Lesson worksheet Header image by Guy Kawasaki on Unsplash